Nashina Merani Miranda

Medical Aesthetician
Nashina Merani, Aesthetics Manager, Health & Wellness
Nashina Merani Miranda

Protocols & Training

Nashina Merani Miranda is much more than a very experienced, knowledgeable, and loved Medical Aesthetician here at Halcyon Cosmetic Clinic. She is also a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, Workshop Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner, Mom and Wife.

I became a Mom at 22, and a single Mom by 24, defying cultural expectations of how life was “supposed” to be. I appeared fine on the exterior but inside I was extremely anxious; playing out patterns and behaviours I couldn’t make sense of. From a young age I adopted the story that something was innately wrong with me and found myself attracting relationships and experiences that recycled toxic, abusive, and painful patterns. I questioned my ability as a Mother, my ability to achieve anything “notable”, and was constantly comparing myself to others. At the core, I struggled with who I truly was underneath all the roles, labels, and perceptions.I desperately wanted something different, so I entered therapy and slowly began to shift old ways of thinking and behaving into thoughtful, brave, authentic ways of living and communicating.

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This inspired me so much; I wanted to be a catalyst to nurture change for others, so I went back to school to become a Registered Counsellor while working and raising my son. This new journey of both belief and fear reflected back to me in all avenues of my life. Things started to work FOR me rather than against me and my lens of the world changed.Healing is not about erasing fear, sadness, or your experiences. It’s about developing the resources and resilience to get through the challenging times. It’s about reconnecting with the wholeness of who you are and letting it ground you, in spite of what is happening.The good news? You don’t have to figure that out alone. Sometimes, you just need a rest stop to sort it all out. This is the first step towards what you want. Let’s do this together. – Nashina

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