Permanent Makeup Precare

Permanent makeup procedures include all eyebrow, eyeliner and lip colour enhancements.

We want to ensure that you will get the most out of your procedure, so here are some guidelines to follow before you arrive.


We do not perform permanent makeup procedures on anyone who:

  • is under the age of 18
  • is pregnant or breast feeding
  • has keloid scarring
  • has uncontrolled diabetes

To Ensure Optimal Results

  • Do not take any over-the-counter blood thinners 48 hours prior to your appointment. This includes NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen). If you take a prescription blood thinner, do not stop, just be aware that excess bleeding may cause you to require more than one touch up appointment to achieve desired results.
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Pain tolerance is reduced just before, and during, menstruation. Keep this in mind when scheduling your procedure.
  • If you tend to get cold sores, ensure you have an antiviral on hand.
  • Make sure you do not have any significant events planned for a few days after your procedure.

Lip Procedures

  • If you have EVER had a cold sore, you MUST see your physician to discuss prophylactic antiviral treatment.
  • Daily exfoliation (lightly brushing with your toothbrush is fine) of your lips for about a week beforehand will ensure numbing is absorbed well and pigment is easier to implant.
  • Ensure you stay well-hydrated in the days leading up to your appointment.

Eyeliner Procedures

  • Avoid using lash growth serum for 6 weeks prior to your appointment. If you have been using it, be aware that it may contribute to excess bleeding requiring you to need more than one touch up appointment to achieve desired results.

Contact Us

Questions about permanent makeup precare? Contact Halcyon Cosmetic Clinic.

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